contact ME

If you have any queries or would like to organize a consultation to discuss your individual needs, please contact me using the form on the right and I will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Thank you for visiting Juanita Fuchs Acupuncture, I look forward to seeing you soon.

Gold Coast

0439 845 789

Juanita is a dedicated practitioner who is a passionate about her craft. Making a positive change in the health and wellness of a client is her primary focus. 

Juanita has always been interested in health and wellbeing and incorporates this into her daily life. he has over 3 years clinical experience and has developed an intuition and sensitivity to the needs of her clients.  Reflecting a holistic approach to health, each treatment is tailored to suit the individual and may involve a combination of acupuncture, moxibustion, bodywork and nutrition and lifestyle advice. 

Working with Juanita you will come to view your health in a holistic manner and be guided to make changes that benefit you on a mental, spiritual and physical level. 


Nutritional Therapy

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food".  - Hippocrates

At Juanita Fuchs Acupuncture diet is a key focus of the treatment plan, with recommendations given, according to Chinese Medicine diagnosis, on the types of food suited to your specific condition.

The concept of Chinese nutritional therapy, or the effect that food has on our health, was developed over 3000 years ago.  During this time Chinese physicians used diet to balance illness and disharmony within the body, with medicines only being used if the desired results were not achieved.

Chinese nutritional therapy follows the same diagnostic principles that are used in both acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, and focuses on the +energetic qualities of food.  Many factors are considered when selecting foods to correct imbalances within the body i.e. the thermal nature of the food (hot, neutral or cold), the flavour of the food, which organ network it influences and the direction of energy flow it produces.  For example, to balance cold conditions within the body, foods that have a warming effect are indicated, such as oats, ginger tea, fennel, garlic, salmon and lamb.  To balance hot conditions within the body, foods that have a cooling nature are indicated, such as raw vegetables and fruits, salads and barley.

Western nutritional therapy focuses primarily on quantitative criteria when assessing food i.e. number of calories, glycaemic index etc.  In today’s society where food-related illnesses, allergies and sensitivities are on the rise, Chinese nutritional therapy, like acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, can provide an alternative to optimise wellbeing.